Health, Living

Falling in Love with Running Again

Traditionally, I have found April to be the busiest month of the year as far as activities go, and this April was no exception.

This is normally a time that my food choices go down the tube and I tend to eat out and eat whatever is quick and easy to throw on a plate and heat up in the microwave.  Everyday meals can be quick and easy to fix if you’re prepared.  The planning that BLE requires you to do is all it takes for you to make good food choices.

I’ve found a BLE compliant lunch that is easy to fix ahead of time and take with me places if needed.  It consists of a boiled egg, hummus, raw vegetables, a piece of fruit, and an ounce of cheese.  If there’s even a chance that I won’t be home to eat it, it goes with me.  Then, if I end up being home, I can eat it at home.  I have an insulated lunch bag that is stored in the freezer to keep my food cold.

A few days ago, I discovered that my breakfast is easy to take with me as well.  I fixed it in a small glass storage container, popped the lid on it, and took it with me.  It consists of shredded wheat, blueberries with cinnamon sprinkled on them, Greek yogurt, and nut butter.  For the first time in my life, I actually like breakfast and look forward to eating it every morning.

Despite getting more rain than anyone can imagine, we’ve been fortunate that none of our scheduled runs have been rained out.  Last year, I did not love running.  I got lackadaisical with my running which was a huge mistake.  This year I’m working at keeping my pace up and paying attention, and I am loving it again.  Loving it makes you want to work harder and get better at it.  My number one person to beat is myself, and it’s energizing to see the improvement with every run.

Not that I have already obtained [it] or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of [it] yet; but one thing [I do:] forgetting what [lies] behind and reaching forward to what [lies] ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 3:12-14.

3 thoughts on “Falling in Love with Running Again”

  1. I didn’t know what a BLE diet is, so I Googled it. Interesting! Sounds good. So glad to read that you are loving running again. Running is always there waiting for us whenever we need it! 🙂

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