Friends, Health, Living

Reflection: What I’ve Gained this Past Year

I started boot camp one year ago today. Not just any boot camp, but Bright Line Eating (BLE) boot camp. I actually started sticking to the plan the week before, so this is week 53 of following the plan.

Prior to that, I spent two years proving to myself that I could not do BLE alone. I was doing Almost BLE which basically put me on maintenance. I maintained my weight for those two years, which I’m thankful for. The scale was starting to go up and I decided that I had to do something about it now!

Joining boot camp was the best thing I ever did. I was put in a Facebook group of about 500 people going down the same path that I was. We learned the intricacies of BLE together and encouraged one another. Our House is still going strong–people are still posting and encouraging each other every day.

I’ve met some incredible people that I would’ve never met otherwise. Some of my closest BLE friends are several time zones away, some are right here in my city. Some I’ve gotten to meet in person, many I hope to meet one day. We have literally been through thick and thin together.

I’ve lost 56 pounds in the last year. But what I’ve gained is enormous:

  • A morning routine that smoothly starts every day.
  • A night time routine that finishes the day and prepares me for tomorrow.
  • I’ve learned to love myself so that I can love others.
  • I’ve learned to care for myself first so that I can care for others.
  • I’m learning what my triggers are and how to keep from pulling the trigger and causing an explosion.
  • I’m learning to feel the feelings instead of running to the kitchen.
  • I have peace with my food.
  • The food chatter is gone!
  • I know that I have the support of a community of Bright Line Eaters.

Bright Line Eating is a lifestyle. I finally jumped all in–came all the way in and sat all the way down so to speak. Getting rid of the food chatter and gaining peace with my food has freed up my mind for so many other things. I have lots of energy now because I am not wasting it on food chatter.

It’s been a long journey that isn’t over yet, but I believe God has brought me to each place and brought certain people into my life at the perfect time. I am so thankful to be happy, healthy, and free.

O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!

Psalm 34:8
Then and now.

2 thoughts on “Reflection: What I’ve Gained this Past Year”

  1. Well done, so pleased for you 👏🏻 Been having my own battle with emotional eating after 3 years of chronic stress looking after Mum. I am finally taking time for myself & getting back to a healthier lifestyle. Keep on keeping on!

    Liked by 1 person

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