Education, Homeschool

Another Reason to Homeschool: Third Graders Taught to be Protesters

Dublin protest against austerity cuts June 2013
Dublin protest against austerity cuts June 2013 (Photo credit: Melissa Wall)

I have mentioned in previous posts how our children are being taught by the government schools to be activists and protesters. In Kansas City, two teachers had their students make signs, took them to the World War I Museum, and had them protest the government shutdown.  One student explains that this came about because her teacher cannot get a loan for a house due to the shutdown, “‘I didn’t know nothing about it at first, until our teacher started telling us about it, because our teacher wanted to buy a house. But now she can’t, because all the loans and stuff,’ said student Rsi Cruz.”

With Common Core, the indoctrination will start as early as third grade:

Handling ‘problems,’ SEIU-style

One of the books recommended in the third-grade teaching guide is “Si Se Puede/Yes We Can!”

Zaner-Bloser includes this book – with its very familiar title – in its “Rights and Responsibilities” unit.

Most Americans would probably expect a unit about citizen “rights and responsibilities” to be firmly rooted in the Constitutional principle of individual rights – as described by the Bill of Rights – and checks on the power of government.

But that’s not the goal of the “Si Se Puede” book and lesson plans.

According to the Zaner-Bloser guide, the “central question” for students to grapple with is, “How can we work together as a community to stand up for our rights?”

You can already see where this is going.

“Si Se Puede” tells the story of a 1985 SEIU-led janitors strike in Los Angeles.

The acronym SEIU refers to the Service Employees International Union, one of the largest and most radical far-left labor unions in the country.

So that’s the kind of “community” Zaner-Bloser authors are referring to.

In the teachers’ guide, the authors say the janitors went on strike “for more money because their wages [were] too low to be fair.”

Keep in mind, this unit is geared for 8- and 9-year-olds who have no understanding of how the labor market works, let alone any knowledge of the economic principle of supply and demand.

And yet they’re being told that the janitors weren’t making a “fair” wage.

That’s not all they’re being taught. In the guide, teachers are told to introduce students to the vocabulary word of the week – “protest.”

The book instructs the teacher to “remind students that a protest is an event in which people publicly show their strong disapproval of something. Discuss protest throughout the week. Challenge students to use the word while speaking and writing.”

After students read the book and learn about underpaid janitors and protests, the guide tells teachers to help students apply these concepts to their lives.

They do that by brainstorming about problems they believe exist in their school.

In case the kids can’t identify any problems worth protesting, the Zaner-Bloser authors helpfully offer an example: “No talking allowed in the lunchroom.”

The authors even suggest a solution: “Protest by making signs and marching.”

So here you have a Common Core-aligned lesson instructing third-graders how to stage a public protest against their adult school leaders. They’re essentially being groomed to be future members of labor unions, or at least to sympathize with the organized labor point of view.

We have teachers – teachers! – who are showing 8- and 9-year-olds how to be defiant and unruly.

We certainly hope they don’t teach them the standard SEIU procedure for dealing with classmates who become “scabs” and cross their protest line.

In case you’re wondering, nowhere in the “Rights and Responsibilities” teachers’ guide is there any mention of the founding of America, our God-given rights enshrined in the Constitution or the protection of individual rights through limited government.


2 thoughts on “Another Reason to Homeschool: Third Graders Taught to be Protesters”

    1. There are many valid reasons to homeschool, and I know that most people that homeschool do it for more than one reason. On those tough days, these examples are good reminders.


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